Interested in joining?

If you’ve taken a look through our site and like what you see, perhaps joining Henderson Rotary might be for you.

You probably will have a lot of questions and would like to find out more about what being a member involves, what the costs and commitments are.

We’d love to host you at one of our meetings so you can meet members of club and see what we do.

As you may have gathered, Henderson Rotary is different from a lot of other Rotary Clubs in that we have three distinct groups – all of which are members of Henderson Rotary but have different meeting venues, meeting times and frequencies and meeting structures. We have found that this approach works well in that hopefully we have a ‘version’ which might work for you.


The Henderson club meets every Thursday at Lincoln Green Conference Centre, 159 Lincoln Road, Henderson. Enter via the entrance off Te Pai Place. The meeting consists of a meal, Rotary notices and organisation for upcoming projects, fundraisers and social activities, a ‘Sergeant’s session’ where a lot of laughs are shared as our Sergeant extracts gold coins from members who have done something good or bad during the week, and usually a Guest Speaker. These Guest speakers talk to us about all sorts of things – from their businesses, their charitable organisations, their sporting achievements, their specialist topics. You’ll come away from the meeting better educated and in tune with what’s going on in the community. The meeting lasts from 6:00pm until usually around 8:00pm


Rotalite West is our Satellite Club aimed at a younger audience – roughly 25-45 years of age, however there is no fixed age requirement either at the upper or lower end.

Rotalite is less formal than the traditional Rotary meeting and meets only every second week. Meeting are currently on Mondays at 7pm and alternate venue between members’ houses as well as local eating and drinking establishments such as The Good Home on Lincoln Road, Henderson.

The members of Rotalite communicate heavily via social media eg Facebook or email and plan a lot of their events this way.

Meetings include snacks and drinks but not usually a full meal unless we’re meeting at a bar or restaurant. For this reason the costs of being a member are a lot less than being in the full Rotary club.

Meetings revolve around event planning – for upcoming projects and fundraisers although we do also have opportunities for the occasional guest speaker or hearing from a Rotalite member about their business, work or some other aspect of their life.

More information on Rotalite West is here.

South kaipara / helensville

If you are located in the South Kaipara area (Woodhill, South Head, Kaukapakapa, Wainui, Waitoki, Helensville etc) then you are most likely to want to visit our South Kaipara Satellite Club which meet at the Parakai School on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. More information about South Kaipara is here.

How much of a commitment does being a rotarian involve?

These days the requirements for meeting attendance have been significantly loosened. We understand that people lead busy lives. The kind of people who become involved in Rotary are often busy people too. For that reason we don’t focus on attending every single meeting, rather the engagement and contribution you make to the club as a whole.

However the more you you do attend, the more you’ll learn about the club, what’s going on and how you can contribute. If you’re going to be away for more than 3 meetings you should let the Club Secretary know.

Henderson Rotary is also prepared to invest time and money into getting you educated about Rotary. We strongly encourage and will pay the cost for new members to attend our Rotary District’s training programme called ‘Rotary Learning and Information’. This is held 2 or 3 times per year and is a day long session where you’ll meet Rotarians from other clubs all over our District and learn about how Rotary clubs work with relation to the District and internationally, plus the important role the Rotary Foundation plays as our charity of choice.

We also would love your input into areas you’re passionate about. Upon your induction to the club the President will assign you to a committee which you’ll be a part of for the Rotary year (July 1 to June 30). Please talk to your committee chairperson, the membership committee or the President if there is anything you’re interested in doing.

The best way to contribute to Rotary and learn about our Club is to say ‘Yes’ to opportunities which arise.


If you’d like to explore the possibility of joining Henderson Rotary and attending one of our three different groups, the first step is to get in touch with the relevant person for the group you’d like to try out.

The contact details are as follows:

Henderson Main Club – meet 6pm Thursdays at Lincoln Green Conference Centre, 159 Lincoln Road, Henderson – call Secretary Brian Foley – phone 0274 937 911

Rotalite West Satellite Club – meet 7pm every second Monday. For meeting venue information call Pesh Nathu – phone 022 648 8144

South Kaipara Satellite Club – meet 7pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at Parakai School, 10 Fordyce Road, Parakai – call Leigh Kelly – phone 021 625 491